Holding a total of five litres storage, the Vasp bum bag is compact and perfect for hiking, trail running and more. When you like to pack light or can’t get into your rucksack without having to stop, you can keep all the essentials for your trip close to hand. Your snacks, phone, map etc. will all be on hand, there’s even a supplied water bottle to keep you hydrated.
Multiple Compartments
Fitted with multiple compartments to keep everything neatly stowed, the bag has a bottle holder with cord retainer and a full padded hip belt to ensure you stay comfortable. Easily adjusted for a comfy fit, this extremely practical bum bag is available in blue or red for a practical addition to your kit.
- Lightweight bum bag
- 5 Litre hip pack
- Multiple compartments
- Adjustable waist strap
- 1 x Drinks bottle
- Bottle holders with retainers
- Padded hip belt
- Fabric Composition & Care
- 600D Polyester Ripstop
- 22 x 26 x 15